Rope activities

ROB DESIGN offers a variety of rope activities, which are often used for teambuilding events. These are abseiling, bungee tramplinu, swimming bungee jump from the tower of the bridge and crane šivhaldo jumping, bungee jumping, bungee running, rope bridges, swings - the ground conditions, a rope ladder and more.


Themed events

Monkey people

Participants of thematic events awaits a hard camp in the woods where climb a tree, walking on the rope, jump leap of trust. The reward beverages, food and equipment that are placed on trees.


Rock terrace

For the adventurous group is ready Treasure adventurous journey through rock elements. Design overcomes obstacles with climbing equipment, at the end of the route is a reward waiting for treasure.


Aiercraft 518

This action is in the spirit of the air crash, the survivors přeživští need to get their belongings from the wreckage of the plane caught in the trees and after mallow find the nearest town.

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    148 00 Praha 4 - Roztyly

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  • Elektrický býk
  • Lukostřelba
  • Skákací hrad
  • Shoď ho
  • Paintball
  • Sumo ring
  • Simulátor dojení
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